Friday, December 25, 2009

The Pedigree of Honey

Poem for the Day

The pedigree of honey
Does not concern the bee;
A clover, any time, to him
Is aristocracy.

~Emily Dickinson

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Poetry Afternoon

At first I was reading poetry, looking for inspiration for the title of a book that my class is collaborating on. Then I was just mesmerized by the pages of beautiful ideas and I lay back and read. Here is one poem I want to share that is especially beautiful.

I started again; where everything starts:
at the body. Classes in life-drawing,
training my hand to see.

In Paris alone,
my family waiting for me to give up
so I could go back to being "happy."

Every day, failure boiled up into my throat
and stayed there.


Obsession is the sacrifice of light
to the richness of submergence.
But love is separation,
the membrane of the orange dividing itself,
the surface of silver
that turns glass into a mirror.

There's failure in every choice.

Art emerged from silence;
silence, from one's place in the world.

~Anne Michaels from "Modersohn - Becker"